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ZLM sadarbībā ar MyCabin piedāvā IEAUDZĒT ĪPAŠUMĀ MĀJU!

Slēdzot pārdošanas vai apsmainiekošanas līgumu ar ZLM līdz 31.decembrim, saņem īpašo piedāvājumu MyCabin My Milla mājai.



My Cabin dalība Swedbank Mājokļu salidojumā 2022

Mums bija patiess prieks piedalīties Swedbank Latvia rīkotajā Mājokļu salidojumā 2022. Pasākuma ietvaros tikāmies ar Swedbank Latvia pārstāvi Normundu Dūci, lai pastāstītu par My Cabin māju ideoloģiju, komplektēšanas iespējām, produktu sortimentu un būvniecību.


The Brand New AFFORDABLE Prefab Home Hitting The Market

"It was announced just over a week ago that a new company will be expanding their operations to the United States and I think people are going to be excited about what they've got to offer" - those are Kerry Tarnow's words in his latest video about My Cabin and our current way to the US market.



This series of tiny prefabricated structures includes a home, remote office, and sauna

My Cabin is a series of prefabricated structures like a tiny home, a detached office for remote working, and even a sauna.

Girts Draugs found all the rest and relaxation he was looking for in tiny, prefabricated homes. Surging in popularity due to stay-at-home orders, tiny homes have been around for a while but only recently took off. Our collective need to head back to nature has prompted many of us to find ways of staying there.


MyCabin paplašinās dzīvojamo māju sektorā

MyCabin” nākamgad plāno izstrādāt 40 brīvdienu māju projektus, kas ir divas reizes vairāk nekā 2021.gadā, kā arī, investējot 500 000 eiro, uzsākt māju ciemata būvniecību Rīgas rajonā.



“All Girts Draugs wanted was a place to relax”, lasi rakstu par mums Dwell

A New Prefab Company Is Offering a Cluster of Scandinavian-Inspired Cabins Starting at $70K.

Latvia’s My Cabin has created three prefab structures—a sauna, an office space, and a home—that can be purchased à la carte, or as one turnkey retreat.


MyCabin plāno palielināt ražošanas jaudu

Uzņēmums šobrīd veic papildu investīciju piesaisti, kas ļautu palielināt ražošanas jaudas. Šobrīd "My Cabin" nodrošina četru līdz sešu ēku izstrādi mēneša laikā, taču jaudu plānots palielināt uz 10 – 12 ēkām mēnesī, termiņu samazinot līdz 1,5 mēnesim.



Getaway with My Cabin

MyCabin has designed three prefabricated timber structures that can be assembled just about anywhere. the series includes a tiny two-story house called ‘MyMilla’, the ‘MyKalmus’ workspace, and a sauna named ‘MyGalia’. The volumes can stand individually or be modeled as a set. 

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